International financial institutions, organizations and foundations

Transnational and foreign companies

Kazakhstan Joint Enterprises/Companies

Banks and other financial oragnizations

Media companies

International financial institutions, organizations and foundations
- World Bank
- European Bank of Reconstruction and Development
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- European Training Foundation (ETF)
- United Nations Development Programme
- PSI Central Asia
- Japanese International Cooperation Agency
- Japanese Bank of International Cooperation
- British Council
- Eurasia Foundations
- Kazakhstan-Japanese Centre for Human Development
State bodies, national companies, development institutions
- Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Ministry of Environmental Protection of Kazakhstan
- Regional Financial Centre of Almaty
- "Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary" National Company
- DAMU Business Development Fund
- KazAgroFinance JSC
- State Insurance Company
- State Scientific Centre of Technical Information
- Investment Fund of Kazakhstan
- State Innovation Fund
- Kazakhstan Japan Centre for Human Resource Development
Transnational and foreign companies
- Kraft Foods
- Unilever
- Procter & Gamble
- Coca-Cola
- Pepsico
- Philip Morris
- Gallaher
- Rothmans of Pall Mall
- Mobil
- Shell
- Interfood
- Subirskiy bereg
- LG Electronics
- Samsung Electronics
- Okan Holding
- "Efes Karaganda" Brewery
- Vimm-Bill-Dann Central Asia
- Baltica
- Tetra Pak
- SES Astra
Kazakhstan Joint Enterprises/Companies
- Beeline/ Kar-Tel
- GSM-Kazakhstan
- КazTransCom
- Altel
- "Planeta Electroniki"
- RG Brands
- Bipek Auto
- ACG Group
- Raimbek Group
- Ordabasi
- Medet Holding
- Kazakhstan Kagazy
- International Academy of Business (IAB)
Banks and other financial oragnizations
- Sberbank of Russia
- Kazkommertsbank
- Caspi Bank
- ATF Bank
- Demir Kazakhstan Bank
- ABN Amrobank/RBS Bank
- CenterCredit
- Alliance Bank
- Nurbank
- Hcsbk
- Halyk Bank Pension fund of Kazakhstan
- Ular Umit Pension Fund
- Capital Pension Fund
- Eurasia Insurance Company
- KazMicroFinance
Media companies
- Khabar Agency
- "Channel 31" Media Holding
- “NP” (“Novoe Pokolenie”) Newspaper
- “Vremiya” Newspaper
- “National Business” Magazine
- Kazakhstan Press-Club
Banks and other financial oragnizations
- Sberbank of Russia
- Kazkommertsbank
- Caspi Bank
- ATF Bank
- Demir Kazakhstan Bank
- ABN Amrobank/RBS Bank
- CenterCredit
- Alliance Bank
- Nurbank
- Hcsbk
- Halyk Bank Pension fund of Kazakhstan
- Ular Umit Pension Fund
- Capital Pension Fund
- Eurasia Insurance Company
- KazMicroFinance
NGO, public organizations
- Associations of Business Women of Kazakhstan
- "Desenta" Public Fund
- "Sodbi" Business Incubator
- "Ravniy Ravnomu" (Peer to Peer) Public Fund